Saturday, October 29, 2005

Play it again ....

Bed, originally uploaded by Joanna Root.

We're putting together the guest bed today, so all will be ready soon for out-of town guests! Hint to all of you out there! This picture is really from the first bed we put up, but they look the same!

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

A Fall View

This is just a shot taken across the back yard towards the house that sits to our right. Downhill from us. The leaves are starting to turn and it really looks pretty. One of the new trees they planted in the yard next door has already lost all its leaves, but our maples are just starting to turn red. We are still really pleased with the way out lot sits back from the street and we get such a nice view of the trees.


What a difference!


I'm back again after about three weeks of moving in . . . . and as you can see in this picture taken this morning, we have some nice improvements. Green grass! It looks alot like a hay field waiting to be mowed. We figure they are waiting for it to get rooted well before cutting the first time. Silly thinks she is in the savanah when she goes out back. She actually thinks she is hidden when she crouches down. If you look closely at this picture, she is the black spot at the bottom of the front door. It was pretty cool, so she was sitting in the sun.

Well, tomorrow and in coming days I'll post more about goings on here on Coles Point Way. Until then, keep tuned and I'll be back soon.