Sunday, May 29, 2005

Finally - the Building Permit

Building Permit for OUR HOUSE!!!!!

The wheels of progress start to turn! If you click on the link above in today’s post you will be taken to the Henrico County Building Permit for the house. See the address!! Yea!!! Not earth shattering information, but what is most important is that we now have a permit number BLD-2005-02051 and even more telling in the scheme of things, an issue date 05-27-05! Up until a few days ago we were not in the system, then last Wednesday, low and behold, there we were, a number, but no date. We had surmised in the last few weeks of trying to locate our permit that permits are applied for in advance, but until they are actually active, they have no date, just a lot of 00-00-0000’s where the date goes. So, now we are official. So if you bookmark that link, you can actually follow along as work progresses. Another wonderful aspect of the computer age. From our boat we can keep tabs of what is going on!

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